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 We offer many different packages - check them all out! 


per hour

Signature Style

Body Type/ Color Analysis/ Style

Your appearance and style should be as unique as your signature. Let Lorinda help create yours by identifying your

  • Body Type

  • Colors

  • Style

Combining these three elements will create your

Signature Style.

Smiling Women


per hour

What's In Your Closet

Closet Purge and Organize


A closet has a purpose and it should be to assist you in your God given talents! Lorinda will help you go through each item and then organize kept items so they are easy to find and bring peace of mind.

*Donated items can go to charity and receipt mailed to client..

Image by Alp Allen Altiner


per hour

Create and Collaborate

Building Your Wardrobe


Lorinda will assist you in downloading each clothing item into an app on your phone, where you will be able to organize and create outfits while also creating a "shopping list" of things needed to achieve a beautiful wardrobe that is functional and inspirational.


per hour


Personal Shopping
Putting Action to the Plan


While shopping can be fun for some, for others it is not. Lorinda can assit you in a day of shopping, helping guide you through the fashion dilemmas and create a wardrobe that fits your budget needs.

Special Custom Made Services

Designed especially for your needs


If you don't see a service that you are looking for on here, or would like something a little more customized for your needs, just contact me and we can create something especially for you!

Contact Me
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